Matt Omo

Matt Omo

The Gong Guru

"I was blown away at how much impact the Manifest Miracles Spray made in my life. Within 24hrs of using the spray life just seemed to flow easier... I just felt more relaxed in myself the whole day. It was a knowing that things were working out exactly as they need to. Since then I have continued to use the spray daily and notice a real-ease in the way things if miracles are manifesting everyday. Thanks Rachelle and Mel for such an amazing product .. with love Matt"

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Katrina Brown
Katrina Brown

Celebrity Bronzer & Business Owner, Bronzing Boutique
"Resonate Essences has really helped me to move forward & transform my life. In 3 years, since my initial session I have moved to LA, launched two international companies & found a sense of peace, with new loyal & loving people in my life."

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Donna Eden
Donna Eden

Inspirational Author, Speaker, Trainer
'Thankyou for the gift of Believe Spray...the perfect spray as an uplifting energy... I hope you two are really successful. Love Donna'

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Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton

Inspirational Author & International Speaker / Scientist

To Rachelle & Mel, with wishes of love, light & happiness. I hope the science enhances your important work! Bruce  |

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