Sprays are an amazing simple & effective way to change the energy of a room or your energy field by spraying above & around the body. Each combination of scents has an instant affect on our emotional centres via the connection between smell & the limbic brain.
A powerful healing tool, each spray has a unique scent that can be used as a body perfume & mood enhancer as you boost your vibrational energy field.
Infuses an uplifting expansive feeling, whilst clearing your energy body & auric field of lower vibrational energy. A great way to lift your spirit & start your day. Choose this to feel lighter, brighter & uplifted at any time. Great energy pick-me-up. Live each day in your Bliss!
Increases the sense of harmony, peace & co-operation in a room. Great for clearing a space where there have been recent arguments or rooms where children often get into conflict whilst playing together.Choose this: if there's a lack of harmony or cooperation reflected in the people or spaces around you, or if you're feeling strong internal conflict around a decision, a situation, a person or event. Helps to bring all parts of self into balance & alignment.
An infusion of essential oils & Deep Sleep essence to support deep rejuvenating sleep & the ability to awaken refreshed each day. Choose this if you have challenges falling asleep quickly or staying asleep during the night. Can be further supported by using in combination with the Deep Sleep essence & always ensure you have visited your health professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions impacting sleep.
Available in standard size 100ml or in travel size 50ml
Increases the feeling of lightness & expansion that can flow into your life. Brings a feeling of drawing the sunshine into your being, a feeling of happiness & brightness that radiates from within you out to the world. Choose this: if you're feeling like life is pulling you down, everything around you is dark & heavy & nothing seems to be shifting it. Opens your filters of perception to see the glass as half full instead of half empty, instant mood booster.
Infuses the feeling of lightness, brightness & happiness into our children & their environment. Choose this to help your child see the bright side of life & to know that all great things are possible for them to achieve!
Increases our ability to Connect deeply & intimately with ourselves & the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine parts within our own being. As we open our sacral chakras & allow the flow of kundalini energy to rise up through our spine to our heart chakra, we can open the heart & unite these aspects of our own natures…and allow another to share this intimate connection with us. Choose this: If you are experiencing blocks in attracting the kind of partner you would want for yourself, there may be an imbalance in your own masculine & feminine aspects that needs to come to a state of balance. Also great for physical intimacy issues if feeling blocked in expressing sexuality with your partner.
Increases our ability to connect deeply with our Soul's longings & desires for us in this life and from this space, to open our heart & mind to work together with Divine Source as we co-create our dreams. Choose this: when you're birthing your Soul's mission or purpose on the earth. This may be in the form of: new work or a specific project, a new state of being within you or the conception & nurturing of a new life to birth through you.
Increases our ability to feel & live a prosperous life. Prosperity is not just about financial flow & abundance, it's the ability to truly enjoy every moment, embracing all the richness it holds. This includes an ever increasing level of emotional well-being flowing from increasing states of health & happiness, of joy, love & laughter. Choose this: If you're feel trapped in a pattern of financial lack & limitation that is holding you back from feeling the joy & wealth of emotional experience available in each moment.
Increases vibrations of Success to activate & flow through all parts of you. Choose this: when you've been focused on achieving your goals & dreams, but somehow the actions & results needed to make your goals a reality are not reaching your targets.
Assists us at times of transformation in our lives. It is an energetic support tool to release old personal & ancestral patterns holding us in a perception of 'life as a struggle'. Choose this: when nothing you do seems to bring in change, patterns just continue to run over & over.
Opens our hearts & minds to connect with the eternal aspect of ourselves & to all through the web of life. It helps us to integrate the many parts & aspects within our Beings in a nurturing, healing & supportive way. Choose this: for integration of Self, parts or aspects or energetic work that you are doing, or to connect with the web that unites all of Life.
An uplifting inspirational scent that helps raise your vibration to connect with the Angelic realms & with the Guardian Angels that have journeyed with you in this life from the moment you were born.
Choose this: to increase your vibrations to a higher frequency & facilitate communication with the Angelic Realms.
An energizing & enlivening spray to bring your physical body & energy field into a greater state of balance & Re-Balance with the world around you. Choose this: when you're feeling out of alignment with the world around you, particularly as the energy is shifting on the planet. This spray is harmonized with the new Masculine & Feminine (Twinflame) energies & the greater sense of balance & cooperation that is flowing through the Earth & her people.
Believe spray assists us to shift limiting beliefs we hold about ourself & the way life appears for us, opening ways to co-create the life of our dreams with the Divine. It uplifts the Soul & connects us to the magic & power of manifestation that flows through all of life.
Present Time spray clears our aura & energy body of the codes, cordings & old patterns that we are connected to from our past experiences. It assists you to call back the energy that you have left behind, in other places, times, people or dimensions that drain your system of the restorative & rejuvenating benefits of aligning all your energy to the present moment.
The heavenly scents of this room & auric spray uplift the Soul to embrace the flow of miracles into your life. Choose this: when you are wanting some support to manifest a miracle in your life or to have fresh eyes in viewing the abundance of blessings & miracles already here.
When you're feeling in need of an energetic Spring Clean, allow the uplifting aromas & vibrations of Crystal Clear to cleanse your aura & let the light back in. Choose this when you're feeling vibrationally flat or low, contaminated with negative thoughts & feelings generated within yourself or picked up from others or your environment.
Available in standard size 100ml or in a travel size 50ml
Our bodies contain a magnetic field that influences all we make contact with. Our own magnetism can be used to increase our chi or energy, maintain our internal balance & draw to us those things we are aligned with & desire. Just like physical magnets, we can have a polarity that attracts or repels. As our world becomes more polluted with electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) from wifi, mobile phones & other technology driven devices, our own magnetic fields can become damaged or weakened, impacting on our well being & magnetic power. Choose this if you feel your magnetic power is being drained by interference patterns coming from the modern technological world such as your mobile phone, computer, hand held devices (eg ipod, game consoles, tablets) or if you just feel tired & lacking energy when working at your computer, talking on your mobile phone or in areas of high EMF exposure. Protect & repair your own magnetic flows.
Our true beauty shines within us, radiating the light & love of our Soul through all parts of our Being. When our eyes sparkle with this light, our body can glow with our own Radiance.
Choose this if you're feeling minimised & unable to be noticed, others look straight through you without seeing YOU. Radiance connects us with the beauty our Soul holds & gives us permission to let our inner beauty shine out in all directions. We are all beautiful & unique Beings, own your beauty.
Pristine natural environments, such as glacial waters, windswept forests, mountain peaks & inky black waters contain a healing power that soothes & calms our inflamed Inner Beings. When we open to this Serenity, we can soak in this tranquility. Choose this when you feel irritated, annoyed & inflamed by the situations, people & environments around you. Great to use before bed or for meditation to open into the peace & Serenity.
This powerful spray supports you to become aware of the ways in which your Soul has selected certain patterns & experiences for you to encounter in life before you came into this life. It may involve certain people, or places in the world, or energy patterns that when they occur give you that feeling of deja-vu, as if I have been through this experience before, or a feeling of life playing out as if it’s a movie you’ve watched before & you know with certainty what will happen next!
When you have this feeling, your Soul may be guiding you to be aware of this karmic loop & this spray will support you to integrate all the wisdoms… the lessons, learnings & insights… that are needed for yourself & others involved to reset this pattern with permission from the Spiritual Beings that work with you at a Soul level.
Choose This: when you are aware that the healing work you have been doing on an issue is not shifting or changing the patterns involved… or when you feel like you are constantly endebted in a situation & can’t seem to see a way out… there may be a karmic imbalance that you have chosen to work through that you are ready to ask for support from your guides & Karmic Board to reset, heal & clear with those others involved.
Positive Power spray supports us to step into a true sense of our own personal power & abilities that flow from our Higher Self & Soul... and shine brightly through our Being!
Choose this: when feeling blocked to believing in the greatness within you, when feeling minimised or devalued, powerless to achieve your dreams or disconnected from your sense of your Soul & Spiritual Self
This spray calls for the Divine Union of our Soul & Higher Self, healing the pattern of separation within us. From this wholeness we can then heal the connection with our divinely selected complement... often known as the Sacred Twin Flame. This Soul may not currently be in our life... or even currently in a body on the earth... but the healing of the connection to our Twin Flame Soul opens a healing of eternal relationship patterns to experience a deep soul level love... that this block to connection and the past pain patterns with our Twin Flame keep us separate from living in this life & relationship experience we are in now.
Choose this: to live the life our Soul is guiding us to experience, becoming one with our Higher Self... that part of our Soul energy that remains in the spiritual realms & is connected to us through our energetic anatomy.
Amazing Me! spray aligns you to the wonder that you truly are... it's the closest spray we have to SELF LOVE in a bottle ...& infuses a deep sense of honouring the uniqueness of you. There is no other just like you... a divine spark of light shining bright on the earth.
Choose this: When you're feeling blocked to loving yourself & appreciating the amazing qualities that you hold!
Reclaiming the Divine Sovereignty that your Soul holds over the vehicle of your physical body & its layers of energetic anatomy... including your chakras, layers of the Auric Field, meridians and your Consciousness, Subconscious & Super Conscious Soul memories. Particularly supportive during times of connection to the astral plane levels, in dream state, meditation & visualisation states.
This spray opens your connection to your Higher Self to remember your eternal home as a Soul when you leave this body, this earth plane, & the experience of your past incarnations behind... returning to SoulState and the realm of Source... merging with the greater wholeness of you, your Soul as one with your Higher Self, or some call it your Oversoul.
Use this spray to connect with your personal Guides & Guardian Angels that are supporting you in this current life... to gain greater clarity of your unique Soul purpose, your life mission and the importance of your own unique journey & experience to the greater wave of change occurring for the human collective & our planet at this time of Ascension & change.