

Affirmation:  With the power of my breath of life... I command the Unification of my healed aspects of Self into the Oneness of my Soul, as I continue my journey of Ascension returning to pure Source Light!

Unity Essence supports you to integrate the healed aspects of your sense of identity into a feeling of Oneness or Wholeness within. Sometimes we may be holding onto a strong attachment to how we or others have seen or experienced us... as a leader, a hero, a lover, a nurturer or carer... or in the negative as a bully, a victim, an abuser, a betrayer. Each of these identities, whether anchored by our belief or projected onto us by others... creates emotions and connections to that time / experience / role  / aspect.

Choose this: when you are feeling stuck in a familiar role or identity that is limiting you expression of your true sense of Self and the wholeness of your Being.

unification into wholeness & oneness, healing, non-attachment to past or future to be in present, dissolving separation & becoming as one, being healed with nothing more to do/be/change within.

feeling splintered, emotionally attached to aspects of self holding trauma, bound to feelings & experiences of being the victim, the ,martyr, the hero, the protector, the aggressor or the emotions of shame, guilt, self punishment these parts hold onto

Each Resonate product comes with a FREE GIFT of a meditation to enhance your experience & a link is sent in your order confirmation email or you can purchase these here … Resonate Meditations Collection … with our deepest gratitude to Michael Wild for the heavenly sounds he creates featured in our meditations, for more information on Michael’s music go to

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xo Rachelle and Mel.