Affirmation: Rebuild the physical Sanctuary for your Soul... and embody your destined path!
The Soul selects the physical body to come through, and merges into the developing baby whilst in utero to actively co-create the shape and form that is the 'you' to support the potential experiences of this life. When traumas or outside influences change that Blueprint expression to a less optimal version, you can feel further & further away from a connection to your body & a sense of you... as if you're in the wrong body, or to be in the body has become a challenge. This oil blend vibration & aromas realign & heal the Blueprint for physical form for 'you' restoring the feeling of your body being your Sanctuary to journey through life... that supports you to now embody the destined path you planned with your Spiritual Hierarchy before coming into life.
Choose this: to anchor the sense of your physical form being a sacred Sanctuary for your Soul, a safe refuge of peace... divinely created for you!
Each Resonate product comes with a FREE GIFT of a meditation to enhance your experience & a link is sent in your order confirmation email or you can purchase these here … Resonate Meditations Collection … with our deepest gratitude to Michael Wild for the heavenly sounds he creates featured in our meditations, for more information on Michael’s music go to michaelwild.com.au
Used for protecting your energy body from energies that may harm you, whether sent intentionally or not. This Oil Blend has vibrations & essential oils to strengthen your energy boundaries & seal you inside a cocoon of high vibrational protection & support. Choose this when you feel energetically vulnerable to attack to seal & heal your auric field in a bubble of light.
For those times you need to stop procrastinating & just get on with things. Strive gives you the impetus to get up & go, connecting with your heart's goals & motivating you to take actions, moving you towards growth & achievement. Choose this when you need to stop the pattern of dreaming & thinking things through, when you're ready to change gears into action mode & get results. Strive is a turbo boost of internal motivation & results-driven actions that will flow through you.
Flourish Oil Blend supports us on the energy level to be all that we can be. It gives us permission from our Higher Self to take the actions at the smallest level that will create the foundation to maximize our growth & potential. Physically we are a biome community of good bacteria holding codes & patterns, we are at our best when the biome of good bacteria can thrive & flourish. Choose this to boost your molecules, aligning all parts of you to maximize your inner potential to be all that you can be. Give yourself permission to flourish. Also great to use if you've made poor nutritional & health choices that have damaged your biome of healthy good bacteria & you want these to thrive.