De-Tox Essence

Affirmation:  I release with ease, all my Being no longer needs, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually & energetically now.

Increases the energetic aspects of de-toxing. Anything that's out of alignment with our optimal well-being can be a toxin to clear. This essence supports your release of toxins on all levels & supports our organs of clearance & elimination to function optimally.

Choose this if you're feeling full of negative thoughts & beliefs or if you've been over indulging in foods, actions or behaviours that feel toxic to your being on any level.

Ability to release anything that has become toxic to your being energetically with ease including thought patterns, emotions, behaviours, energies.

Negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs, vows, cords, energetic attachments, other's energy.

Each Resonate product comes with a FREE GIFT of a meditation to enhance your experience & a link is sent in your order confirmation email or you can purchase these here … Resonate Meditations Collection … with our deepest gratitude to Michael Wild for the heavenly sounds he creates featured in our meditations, for more information on Michael’s music go to

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