In The Present essence assists us to release our past patterning & woundings, flowing energetically from our old ways of behaving, early childhood programming, past life energies that have been activated in this life or genetic & generational ways of being that are holding us back from living our life in a state of love, joy & peace in this present moment.
There is a natural range for many of our internal regulations including our hormones, neurotransmitters, nutrient levels into & out of cells, the body biochemistry. We function at our best when we have an inner conductor of our body's orchestra that brings stability into the running of our being.
Choose this when you feel like you're an internally unstable & on an energetic level, things are swinging out of control in response to some unknown initial trigger. Our system is trying to correct itself & over compensating, creating a whole new set of challenges. Inner Stability supports your orchestra to play congruently again.
When your Spirit feels broken by overwhelming loss, grief or suffering... find solace, strength & support from your Spiritual Hierarchy in the Temple within. The Heart chakra is the centre for loving connection with the personal Guides, Spiritual Teachers, Ascended Masters & Angelic Beings that have worked with your Soul through many lifetimes. Reconnect to the Inner Temple for connection to the Divine frequencies of love & support.
Choose this: When life feels so overwhelming & you're facing trauma, heartbreak & / or grief. Call for your Spiritual Hierarchy to offer healing connection via the Heartspace.
We are born as a Soul into our physical body to be the caretaker & co-create the form & choices for the expression of the potential for the body in this life. As there is more manipulation & alteration of our natural world & environment with genetic modifications, hybridisation, selective breeding and alterations of the natural organic structures of what we breathe, ingest and experience in the world around us, it becomes so important to claim our ability to remain Sovereign & free, choosing what feels aligned, clear & healing for our own body, our life, our experience.
Choose this: for those times that you feel overwhelmed by the non-natural & artificial being created around you, when you feel like you are being forced into choices that go against your Soul's desires and feel wrong for your body, to dissolves altered energy & any non-organic life enhancing codes & vibrations from your body & energy anatomy.
Support Essence helps us to open up to the awareness that we are not alone in this life.
There are always opportunities to receive the support available to us; whether it comes in the form of family & loved ones, friends or complete strangers, or from our spiritual helpers that guide us through life, our own Angels & Guides.
Unity Essence supports you to integrate the healed aspects of your sense of identity into a feeling of Oneness or Wholeness within. Sometimes we may be holding onto a strong attachment to how we or others have seen or experienced us... as a leader, a hero, a lover, a nurturer or carer... or in the negative as a bully, a victim, an abuser, a betrayer. Each of these identities, whether anchored by our belief or projected onto us by others... creates emotions and connections to that time / experience / role / aspect.
Choose this: when you are feeling stuck in a familiar role or identity that is limiting you expression of your true sense of Self and the wholeness of your Being.