One of the best ways to get the most out of the experience of taking vibrational essences, is to have a one-to-one session with either Rachelle or Mel, via Skype or phone, where we can tune into the issues you are currently facing in life, the goals you would like to achieve & changes you would like to see manifest... & we can create a Personal Program of Resonate essences / oils / sprays for you to take over a 2 month period. Having a program created just for you, to support you in shifting the challenges & blocks you are currently experiencing ...helps you to transform & maximise the results you can achieve with your Resonate Essences products... & the results you & others notice in your everyday life.... book in for an Intuitive Session / Energy Scan now!
If you are wanting a more in depth understanding of all that's going on in your life from the level of your Soul's deepest desires for you... book in for a Resonate Soul Reading using a healing Mandala to explore challenges & current insights through all areas of your life... and your own 2 month Personal Program to purchase Resonate products to support your Soul's dreams & intentions.
Or clear the energy & blocks to success & achievement of your work / career goals with a Resonate Success in Your Business in depth Skype Kinesiology Session & transform the energy of your business to be aligned with your business goals & values... & a detailed plan of action / intentions to achieve this.
For those that would like to join our online community, taking essences in collective group consciousness each month, join our Resonate & Transform program by clicking the box below...Resonate with us. & Transform your life! This group will be open to new members a few times a year when we launch new program. Register your interest to be included in our next closed group by clicking the link for Resonate & Transform... & you can visit our landing page for the Resonate & Transform membersite at
with gratitude
xo Rachelle & Mel