The Energetic Support essences support you vibrationally whilst you move through shifts & changes in your life, as you release old patterns from the physical level & auric field. These are a great tool to support ease of release when you are working through another Resonate essence as a process & some challenges from the past are coming up into your Conscious awareness for healing & transformation. They can be used with any of the other products and can be taken as often as feels needed, up to every 2 hours. A must have for practitioners to create change with ease for their clients in a supportive & nurturing way.
Support Essence helps us to open up to the awareness that we are not alone in this life.
There are always opportunities to receive the support available to us; whether it comes in the form of family & loved ones, friends or complete strangers, or from our spiritual helpers that guide us through life, our own Angels & Guides.
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xo Rachelle and Mel.