There is a natural range for many of our internal regulations including our hormones, neurotransmitters, nutrient levels into & out of cells, the body biochemistry. We function at our best when we have an inner conductor of our body's orchestra that brings stability into the running of our being.
Choose this when you feel like you're an internally unstable & on an energetic level, things are swinging out of control in response to some unknown initial trigger. Our system is trying to correct itself & over compensating, creating a whole new set of challenges. Inner Stability supports your orchestra to play congruently again.
In The Present essence assists us to release our past patterning & woundings, flowing energetically from our old ways of behaving, early childhood programming, past life energies that have been activated in this life or genetic & generational ways of being that are holding us back from living our life in a state of love, joy & peace in this present moment.