Oil Blends combine pure Camellia oil with healing aromas of essential oils to nourish & uplift body, mind & spirit. Recommended for adults to apply on skin inside wrists & flow wrists around your body from heart to top of head, down your back & up to heart again, or use where you feel drawn to heart, neck, navel.
The Soul selects the physical body to come through, and merges into the developing baby whilst in utero to actively co-create the shape and form that is the 'you' to support the potential experiences of this life. When traumas or outside influences change that Blueprint expression to a less optimal version, you can feel further & further away from a connection to your body & a sense of you... as if you're in the wrong body, or to be in the body has become a challenge. This oil blend vibration & aromas realign & heal the Blueprint for physical form for 'you' restoring the feeling of your body being your Sanctuary to journey through life... that supports you to now embody the destined path you planned with your Spiritual Hierarchy before coming into life.
Choose this: to anchor the sense of your physical form being a sacred Sanctuary for your Soul, a safe refuge of peace... divinely created for you!