Sprays are an amazing simple & effective way to change the energy of a room or your energy field by spraying above & around the body. Each combination of scents has an instant affect on our emotional centres via the connection between smell & the limbic brain.
A powerful healing tool, each spray has a unique scent that can be used as a body perfume & mood enhancer as you boost your vibrational energy field.
Increases our ability to Connect deeply & intimately with ourselves & the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine parts within our own being. As we open our sacral chakras & allow the flow of kundalini energy to rise up through our spine to our heart chakra, we can open the heart & unite these aspects of our own natures…and allow another to share this intimate connection with us. Choose this: If you are experiencing blocks in attracting the kind of partner you would want for yourself, there may be an imbalance in your own masculine & feminine aspects that needs to come to a state of balance. Also great for physical intimacy issues if feeling blocked in expressing sexuality with your partner.