Sprays are an amazing simple & effective way to change the energy of a room or your energy field by spraying above & around the body. Each combination of scents has an instant affect on our emotional centres via the connection between smell & the limbic brain.
A powerful healing tool, each spray has a unique scent that can be used as a body perfume & mood enhancer as you boost your vibrational energy field.
This spray opens your connection to your Higher Self to remember your eternal home as a Soul when you leave this body, this earth plane, & the experience of your past incarnations behind... returning to SoulState and the realm of Source... merging with the greater wholeness of you, your Soul as one with your Higher Self, or some call it your Oversoul.
Use this spray to connect with your personal Guides & Guardian Angels that are supporting you in this current life... to gain greater clarity of your unique Soul purpose, your life mission and the importance of your own unique journey & experience to the greater wave of change occurring for the human collective & our planet at this time of Ascension & change.