Sprays are an amazing simple & effective way to change the energy of a room or your energy field by spraying above & around the body. Each combination of scents has an instant affect on our emotional centres via the connection between smell & the limbic brain.
A powerful healing tool, each spray has a unique scent that can be used as a body perfume & mood enhancer as you boost your vibrational energy field.
This spray calls for the Divine Union of our Soul & Higher Self, healing the pattern of separation within us. From this wholeness we can then heal the connection with our divinely selected complement... often known as the Sacred Twin Flame. This Soul may not currently be in our life... or even currently in a body on the earth... but the healing of the connection to our Twin Flame Soul opens a healing of eternal relationship patterns to experience a deep soul level love... that this block to connection and the past pain patterns with our Twin Flame keep us separate from living in this life & relationship experience we are in now.
Choose this: to live the life our Soul is guiding us to experience, becoming one with our Higher Self... that part of our Soul energy that remains in the spiritual realms & is connected to us through our energetic anatomy.