The entire 4Kids essences range for working with children or the Inner Child, often the internal aspect containing most of our deepest woundings. Healing these can be the key to life changing.
Rgis kit contains 12 essences, 1 of each from the 4kids range
The Bod-Ease Essences provide energetic maintenance for the regulatory systems of our body & planet.
Use these to cleanse & nourish your organs & internal systems, increasing harmony & ease within your physical world.
This kit contains 12 essences only, 1 of each product in the Bod-Ease range.
Our entire Resonate Essences range of colour, light & sound frequency essences, oils & sprays divided into the different kits for ease of use in clinic by practitioners. Hugely discounted to give the dedicated practitioner a massive cost saving & enables you to be a wholesaler for Resonate Essences with support materials gifted with this order. Includes one only of every product in our range.
Retail cost is $3874 kit price... offered with 15% discount off retail... & includes 1 of every product (essence, oils & sprays) in the Resonate Essences products.
BONUS - Receive our Level 1 - Online Practitioner Training Video Series FREE with your order of the complete product range (retails for $660) SAVING $1,241...
The Core essence range containing the foundational colour, light & sound frequencies we all need to have in balance to raise our internal vibration & the way in which our energy is co-creating our reality.
The essential kit for practitioners working with clients in clinic.
Kit contains 12 essences, 1 of each from the Core Range & a BONUS Rainbow Lightbody Healing Meditation to use with the products.
The Energetic Support kit contains a combination of essences that support you vibrationally whilst you move through shifts & changes in your life. They can be used with any of the other products and can be taken as often as feels needed. A must have for practitioners to create change with ease for their clients in a supportive & nurturing way. Energetic Support kit assists you in making the changes you desire in your life.
This kit contains 7 essences from the Energetic Support range, 1 of each essence.
Created on the island of Kauai in Hawaii, high frequency vibrations to assist with future transitions & changes for the planet & ourselves. This range tends to attract those on the spiritual path & holds supportive patterning for our evolution.
This kit contains 11 essences from the Hawaii range, 1 of each product.
Oil Blends kit contains one of each of the Oil Blends to support physical change with the gift of emotional change through scent. See individual product pages for more information.
This kit contains 8 Oil Blends, 1 of each in the range.
The Remarkables Kit contains essences from our range that hold energy from natural wonders of our world including coral reefs, rainforests, lakes, mountains & glaciers. Use these essences to support & align your Inner Being with values that inspire action & motivate change in your daily reality.
This kit contains 6 essences, 1 of each
product in the Remarkables range.
The Solutions range is for working with common vibrations people have trouble maintaining on the physical plane including those that assist assimilation, elimination & rejuvenation processes for the body.
This kit contains 8 essencrs, one of each product from the Solutions range.
Sprays are an amazing simple & effective way to change the energy of a room or your energy field by spraying above & around the body. Each combination of scents has an instant affect on our emotional centres via the connection between smell & the limbic brain.
A powerful healing tool, each spray has a unique scent that can be used as a body perfume & mood enhancer as you boost your vibrational state.
Kit contains 1 of each spray in the range.... 24 sprays in total.
The Sprays Kit contains... 22 x 100ml sprays + 2 x 50ml sprays (4kids range sprays not available larger size)
Travel Sprays Kit... also now available from February 2020 in a 50ml Travel Size kit... containing 24 x 50ml sprays (1 of each currently in the Resonate Sprays Range
Purchase either Sprays Kit or Travel Sprays Kit & receive 50% discount off the Sprays Online Training course.
The Tummy Rubs kit of vibrational oils are safe & gentle to use on bubs as well as children & adults. Connect with your inner infant & the memories of the first few years of your life as you clear old patterns from the subconscious still affecting you today. A nurturing way to support new babies through normal challenges experienced as we learn & grow.
This kit contains 8 vibbrational oils, 1 of each oil in the range.